Monday 9 July 2007

June Project Report

1. Collections
A visit to the British Library unearthed a few additional Rosenberg and Graves items to be digitized and included in the archive. Additionally, with the help of Dunstan Ward, WW1 Poets Association and key academic on the poet Robert Graves, a number of manuscripts are being identified to supplement the Archive's Graves collection.

A significant find has been another manuscript version of Wilfred Owen's poem "Strange Meeting", held in a private collection by the Day-Lewis family. We thoughroughly enjoyed our visit to photograph the manuscript last week and look forward to seeing it in the archive.

Work is underway this month to build up the collection from Women Poets.

3. Metadata and Cataloging
Cataloging continues for the images received and our cataloguer Everett Sharp has been visiting the Public Records Office to select pages from Graves and Thomas' service records to include in the collection.

4. Project Management
Work on the project website continues and contacts are being made for school liaison.

5. Technical Development
Michael has started work on building the technical architecture and design specs are being put together for the community collection.

5. Copyright and Permissions
Copyright letters are being finalised and will be sent to the literary estates and libraries this month.

6. Events
Stuart and Kate will be attending the JISC Digitisation Programme Conference in Cardiff on the 19th and 20th July.

The programme is being put together for the "Teaching WW1 Literature" event on the 12th November at the Computing Services, Oxford. Booking for the workshop is available on The English Subject Centre Website.

1 comment:

Chaves Truid said...

Variabel kemegahan yang paling esensial mutlak adalah konsumsi yang sehat. Kecantikan mungkin tidak dikuantifikasi atau dikuantifikasi plus masih merupakan karakteristik yang menghadirkan kegembiraan besar ke dalam otak dan jiwa Anda dan juga dalam temperamen
paito warna terlengkap
datahk 2019