Tuesday 9 October 2007

September Project Report

1. Collections
A variety of images focusing on women in the war, the homefront, and diversity of the troops have been ordered from the Imperial War Museum as part of the contextual content of the archive.

Following Kate's visit to New York in August orders have been placed at the Berg Collection, New York Public Library.

Contact has been made with the Gloucestershire County Archives re. the manuscripts of Ivor Gurney and a visit will be made next month to scope items for possible inclusion in the archive. Additionally an item list fom David Jones has been received from the national Library of Wales, and have images of Edward Thomas Poetry Manuscripts. The images relating to the Rosenberg collection at the Imperial War Museum have also been received

2. Cataloging and Metadata
Cataloguing has started on the new batch of Edward Thomas images.

3. Project Management
Kate is currently writing the project progress report for JISC.

A meeting was held with Dunstan Ward, president of the Robert Graves Society and council member of the War Poets Association, to identify further Graves materials for inclusion in the archive and also for future collaboration. The project has been invited to be represented at a number of RGS and WPA events.

4. Technical development
CONTENTdm has been purchased and installed on the project server and web space purchased for the next 10 years.

Development is underway for the community collection and the update of tutorials in the Wilfred Owen Archive. The image processing workflow is also underway.

5. Events
Earlier this month Stuart and Kate interviewed Ian Hislop about his views on the First World War and War Poetry. The interview is available as a podcast on the project website at http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit.

Michael and Kate attended the Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities Conference in Devon, where Kate presented a paper on the project.

Stuart and Kate also took a trip to see "Forgotten Voices", a play adapted from Max Arthur's best selling book, at the Oxford Playhouse. Max Arthur has kindly agreed to

August Project Report

1. Collections
This month Kate visited the Berg Collection at New York Public library to make a selection of manuscripts by Robert Graves, Isaac Rosenberg and Edward Thomas. Items selected include letters from Graves to Siegfried Sassoon, a typescript of Graves' unpublished collection of poems "The Patchwork Flag", letters from Rosenberg to Harold Monro, and Thomas' prose work "This England".

Work is in progress for selecting audio and film materials from the IWM for inclusion in the archive

2. Metadata and cataloguing
No images were received this month.

3. Project management
A workflow has been set up for the editing of image files (cropping, enhancement, conversion etc.). Contractors were sourced for the technical development of the community collection interface and conversion of existing tutorials in the Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive.

4. Technical Development
CONTENTdm has been purchased for the delivery of the archive. Michael has been on holiday this month so not much else to report!

5. Events
Everett attended the David Jones Conference at the National Library of Wales at the end of the month and has made contact with the David Jones estate re the possible digitisation of "In Parenthesis" for the archive.