Tuesday 9 October 2007

August Project Report

1. Collections
This month Kate visited the Berg Collection at New York Public library to make a selection of manuscripts by Robert Graves, Isaac Rosenberg and Edward Thomas. Items selected include letters from Graves to Siegfried Sassoon, a typescript of Graves' unpublished collection of poems "The Patchwork Flag", letters from Rosenberg to Harold Monro, and Thomas' prose work "This England".

Work is in progress for selecting audio and film materials from the IWM for inclusion in the archive

2. Metadata and cataloguing
No images were received this month.

3. Project management
A workflow has been set up for the editing of image files (cropping, enhancement, conversion etc.). Contractors were sourced for the technical development of the community collection interface and conversion of existing tutorials in the Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive.

4. Technical Development
CONTENTdm has been purchased for the delivery of the archive. Michael has been on holiday this month so not much else to report!

5. Events
Everett attended the David Jones Conference at the National Library of Wales at the end of the month and has made contact with the David Jones estate re the possible digitisation of "In Parenthesis" for the archive.

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